Asthma Education Program
The Registered Respiratory Therapist/Certified Asthma Educator works together with the physicians and nurse practitioner to diagnose asthma (via spirometry and other techniques as per asthma guidelines.)
The goal of the program is to provide education and monitoring on asthma control, inhaler technique(s), barriers to compliance, triggers to asthma, exercise induced asthma, and self-management tools via Action Plans. The objective of Self-Management of asthma is to obtain optimal asthma control to reduce frequency of asthma attacks, which maintains proper lung health.
Self-Management and Asthma Education are achieved with the partnerships of the Primary Care Asthma Program (PCAP) best practice guidelines and algorithm for treatment.
A referral is needed from a Blue Sky FHT physician or nurse practitioner to schedule an appointment with the asthma educator